Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Most Loving Dad Award

MSN recently did a post on Best Dad Award. So I thought I'll like to give out the award of The Most Loving Dad to my dad of course! He's the hero in my life and I'll never ever find someone who is better than my dad.

Although my dad looks cool and quiet from the outside, but deep inside I know he love his family a lot. It's just that he doesn't show it, unlike other fathers who will show their affection on the outside. I know my dad shows his love and affection through his action over the years.

When i was young, my dad will scold me and sometimes even hit me if i make mistake or create some troubles. His voice is loud and clear. Although my dad is Thin and small size, but he is strong. Even though he is sometimes fierce, but other times I know he cares a lot about us. When I was small, my dad will buy a lot of cartoon video tape (when i was young it was video tape era) such as Little Mermaid and Snow White and he will take us swimming, shopping every weekend, then we will have western food for dinner on Sunday.

My dad is the most hardworking person I've ever met. He works hard and provide for his family. With his position and pay, many people are not able to feed so many children, let alone buying a new house in his 50's and able to paid it off within 5 years. With my ability now, I know I won't be able to do that. My dad is very stingy on himself because he wants to provide the best for us.

Thus, although my dad is not a rich person and didn't give us everything we want, but I'm thankful to be his daughter because he I always know that the best dad in the world doesn't need to be rich. My dad is very knowledgeable and good in English, but too bad that I cannot be as smart and as hardworking as my dad. Nevertheless, I have a goal to work harder and quit rat race as soon as possible so that i can spend more time with my parents and also provide enough for them to be able to stop their small business and enjoy life fully. I know my parents like to travel the world :D

So Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world.

My lovely parents

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