Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Empowering You

Last Sunday I attended a powerful convention in Putra Stadium Bukit Jalil. The speakers words were so inspiring that after the convention, almost all the business partners i talked to have the momentum to go out and build their business and quit rat race right away. Isn't it good news? Now you know why i like functions like this and I always make use of it to motivate my business partners. It's always easier to let other leaders motivate and inspire them rather than yourself doing it. Why? Because human beings are very funny. We tend to listen and believe other successful people whom we don't know personally rather than those we knew very well. Instead of following leaders who are by our side, sometimes we need to get some power boost from other successful people as well. This time around, the convention manage to draw the biggest crowd since since 2008. Why 2008? because that's the first convention that i attended! Haha! This time they invited great speakers from overseas, Founders Diamond Naruss & Samornsri Mahakkapong from Thailand and also the biggest start of the night Double Crown Ambassador Kaoru Nakajima from Japan Thus functions like this are a useful tool to help you in your business. You are basically using other's inspiring words to ignite the fire and enthusiasm in your business partners. Ok, now less talk and more pics :P

Everyone get's the program card and light stick. This year light stick quality is much better than last year's.

Year 2012 free trip is Sydney. Points calculation starts from July 2011! I think we may have a chance to enter Sydney opera house!

The stage bore the shape of number '35', because it is the 35th anniversary.

It's us at the convention. Before the party starts!

Country's top leaders on the stage. The stage getting more and more crowded every year.

Look at the massive crowd in the stadium. There's a lot more people lingering outside because not enough seats.

Founders Diamond Naruss & Samornsri Mahakkapong FromThailand. They are 29 years old only.

Star of the night: Double Crown Ambassador Kaoru Nakajima from Japan. he really fueled all of us.

That's all for the pics.

Now I'm looking forward to Australia in December 2012 and another extra RM200k in my pocket by end of next year. Ganbateh!

Dear Universe, Thank you for letting me know this great oppoturnity at an early stage of my life. Please send three persons who are hunger for success and fear of poverty. I'm looking forward to emerald-ship and Australia in 2012!

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