Saturday, June 25, 2011

Treaty All the Time

I can't believe I'm running out of things to blog about. Actually I have too much thoughts in my mind that I cannot re-arrange them and put down down in words. I'll have to slowly clear my mind and put all my adventures into alphabetical orders.

Recently, I felt very lucky because i get a treat from family and friends from time to time. I'm truly grateful that I have this bunch of nice people around me. The Universe has been so kind to me in sending many wonderful people to me. These just appeared in my life and started to treat me like a friend, bestie, sister,  etc. Suddenly i'm like a superstar where everyone wants to treat me to a nice lunch/dinner. Isn't life good when everyday is sunny llike this? Don't worry, I have my fair share of bad days and troubled people in my life. But I won't focus on these. Remember I mentioned before that my intention is to be positive right?

Many of you will say that 'There's no free lunch in this world', yes you are right. There's no free lunch in this world and I'm not Mahatma Gandhi to be receiving so much of kindness from others. But there's one thing i do believe, it is not necessary that when you treat others nice or helped others means the will return you the favor. When I do people a favor, I don't expect them to return the favor because I always believe that somehow someday the favor will be returned to me from another person in another form. I believe that when you do others afavor, they may not return the favor to you but later they may do a favor for another person and this favor will continue to pass on until it returns to you from another person when you needed the favor. Thus I believe that when we continue to help others and treat other nicely, others will do the same to us. Agree or not agree? Let us know what you think.

before I end this, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to all the people who have treated me to a meal or two. I will never forget your kindness and will always offer my help when you need. Thank you Universe for sending me a bunch of nice and kind people. keep sending them to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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